Here are references to papers we have published that don't fit in any of our other lists of publications.
"The X-ray Microcalorimeter Spectometer (XMS): a Reference Cryogenic Instrument for Constellation-X", Paul L Whitehouse, Peter J Shirron, Richard L Kelley, Cryogenics 44 (2004) pp. 543-549 [proceedings of the 2003 Space Cryogenics Workshop]
"A Deposited Magnetic Thermometer for Temperatures Below 0.1 Kelvin", J.G. Tuttle, T.R. Stevenson, E.R. Canavan, M.J. DiPirro, D.E. Franz, P.J. Shirron, Advances in Cryogenic Engineering: Transactions of the Cryogenic Engineering Conference - CEC, Vol 49A, ed. J. Waynert et al., pp. 396 - 403 (2004).
"A Miniature Palladium-Iron Thermometer for Temperatures Down to 0.05 Kelvin", Tuttle J.G., DiPirro M.J., Canavan E.R., Shirron P.J., Kunes E., and Hait T., Advances in Cryogenic Engineering, Proceedings of the Cryogenic Engineering Conference, Vol 47 Part B (2002), pp. 1613-1619.
"High Resolution Thermometry Using the Magnetic Penetration Depth of Superconducting Films", C. J. Yeager, P. J. Shirron and M. J. DiPirro, Advances in Cryogenic Engineering, Vol. 43 p. 757, (1998).
"A two-stage series array SQUID amplifier for space applications", J.G. Tuttle, M.J. DiPirro, P.J. Shirron, R.P. Welty, and M. Radparvar, Cryogenics.36(1996) 879.
"High Resolution Penetraton Depth Thermometer (PDT)" J.G. Tuttle, P.J. Shirron, M.J. DiPirro, Advances in Cryogenic Engineering, Vol. 41, pp. 1723-1730 (1996)."Electromagnetic Interference and Thermal Studies of Flat Conductor Cable", B.A. Warner, S.R. Breon, Advances in Cryogenic Engineering, Vol. 39, pp. 1161 - 1168 (1994).
The Cryogenics and Fluids Branch has worked on the design of a Superconducting Gravity Gradiometer. Such a device could be used to study the earth from orbit, by measuring how earth's gravitational field varies from place to place. We have brief description of the hardware, with some references.