Cryogenics and Fluids Branch

How to Contact Us
Our mailing address is:
Cryogenics and Fluids Branch
Code 552
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Greenbelt MD 20771
The rest of this page contains lists of people to contact on specific topics, followed by a list of phone and email contact information for those people. The head of the Cryogenics and Fluids Branch is Dr. Eric A. Silk.
The list of topics and people is next followed by the table of email addresses and phone numbers.
Subject List
Topics and People |
Subject | Contact Person |
PARTNERSHIP working with outside groups |
Primary contact | Eric A. Silk |
Secondary contact | Erik Silk |
Flight Project Support | Eric A. Silk |
Instrument Technologies | Eric A. Silk |
System Analysis | Mike DiPirro |
System Assembly | Eric A. Silk |
System Test | Eric A. Silk |
Test Dewars: Performance, Vibration |
Eric A. Silk |
Materials Tests | Eric A. Silk |
Infrared Bolometers | Peter Shirron |
X-Ray Calorimeters | Peter Shirron |
Thermometers | Mike DiPirro |
Superconducting Quantum Interference Devices ( SQUID's) |
Peter Shirron |
Heat Switch | Mike DiPirro |
High Temperature Superconducting Leads |
Eric A. Silk |
Low Current Superconducting Magnet |
Eric A. Silk |
Other Cryogenic Components | Eric A. Silk |
Mechanical | Rob Boyle |
ADR's | Peter Shirron |
Hybrid | Mike DiPirro |
Multi-Stage Radiative | Mike DiPirro |
Stored Cryogen Coolers, Including
Eric A. Silk |
Subject | Contact Person |
All Fluids Topics | Eric A. Silk |
That's all, folks! In particular, We don't freeze people. |
Try searching on "cryonics". |
Names, Phones, Faxes, and Emails
Fax number for all people listed: (301) 286-0389.Name | Phone | |
Mr. Robert Boyle | (301) 286-7185 | Robert dot F dot Boyle at nasa.gov |
Dr. Eric A. Silk | (301) 286-8205 | Eric dot A dot Silk at nasa.gov |
Dr. Michael DiPirro | (301) 286-7310 | Michael dot DiPirro at gsfc.nasa.gov |
Dr. Peter Shirron | (301) 286-7327 | Peter dot J dot Shirron at nasa.gov |