
Low gravity superfluid transfer can be done:
The results of the SHOOT flight demonstration
Michael J. DiPirro, Peter J. Shirron, and James G. Tuttle
Code 713
NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center
Greenbelt, Maryland 20771
The Superfluid Helium On-Orbit Transfer (SHOOT) Flight Demonstration was designed to demonstrate the technology for resupplying space helium dewars on orbit. Secondarily SHOOT developed a number of components useful to other satellites using superfluid helium. SHOOT was launched on the Space Shuttle Endeavour as part of mission STS-57 on June 21, 1993. On orbit operations were conducted in three stages: pump down of the superfluid and electronics checkout, initial ground controlled helium transfers, and an astronaut controlled transfer. An overview of the SHOOT mission is given. A summary of experiences with a number of flight components developed specifically for SHOOT is presented. Questions that were answered by the flight are discussed.
Proc. of SPIE Vol. 2227,
Cryogenic Optical Systems VI, (1994) 222.
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