Jim Tuttle, Peter Shirron, Michael DiPirro, Michael Jackson, Jason Behr, Koji Kamiya, Mark O. Kimball, Evan Kunes, Tom Hait
Code 552
NASA/ Goddard Space Flight Center
Greenbelt, MD 20771
High-resolution airborne wide-band camera (HAWC) and sub-millimeter and far-infrared experiment (SAFIRE) are far-infrared experiments which will fly on the stratospheric observatory for infrared astronomy (SOFIA) aircraft. HAWC's detectors will operate at 0.2 K, while those of SAFIRE will be at 0.1 K. Each instrument will include an adiabatic demagnetization refrigerator (ADR) to cool its detector stage from the liquid helium bath temperature (HAWC's at 4.2 K and SAFIRE's pumped to about 1.3 K) to its operating temperature. Except for the magnets used to achieve the cooling, the magnetic shielding, and a slight difference in the heat switch design, the two ADRs are identical. We describe the ADR design and present the results of performance testing.
Cryogenics 41 (2002) p. 781.